12-hydroxypentadecanoic acid | Cytochrome P450(BM-3) | Bacillus megaterium 14581 | + |
Miura Y, Fulco AJ. Omega-1, Omega-2 and Omega-3 hydroxylation of long-chain fatty acids, amides and alcohols by a soluble enzyme system from Bacillus megaterium. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1975 Jun 23;388(3):305-17. PMID: 805599
13-hydroxypentadecanoic acid | Cytochrome P450(BM-3) | Bacillus megaterium 14581 | + |
Miura Y, Fulco AJ. Omega-1, Omega-2 and Omega-3 hydroxylation of long-chain fatty acids, amides and alcohols by a soluble enzyme system from Bacillus megaterium. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1975 Jun 23;388(3):305-17. PMID: 805599
14-hydroxypentadecanoic acid | Cytochrome P450(BM-3) | Bacillus megaterium 14581 | + |
Miura Y, Fulco AJ. Omega-1, Omega-2 and Omega-3 hydroxylation of long-chain fatty acids, amides and alcohols by a soluble enzyme system from Bacillus megaterium. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1975 Jun 23;388(3):305-17. PMID: 805599